What We Stand For

RISE fights for democratic ecosocialism - a classless society, free of oppression, exploitation, war and environmental degradation, where wealth and resources are commonly owned and democratically managed for the good of the many, not the few. This means building powerful mass movements of workers and the oppressed that harness the unique economic power of the working class to end the unjust system of capitalism. We fight for every possible reform but never limit ourselves to what capitalism can offer. In the words of James Connolly, “our demands most moderate are, We only want the earth.” 

    • Abolish patent rights on life-saving vaccines.

    • Install HEPA filtration in all public buildings. Mandate workplaces provide clean air and all necessary PPE.

    • End habitat destruction and restore our seas - deforestation and habitat destruction, including overfishing, are the main drivers of new viruses. 

    • End industrialised agriculture based on monocultures. Cut the national herd and end all CAP subsidies for animal agriculture. Instead, pay farmers to shift to organic regenerative farming practices and rewilding with increased incomes for small and medium farmers. Reduce meat consumption and move towards a plant-based diet. 

    • Bring big agri-business into democratic public ownership.

    • Expand native afforestation. Invest in climate jobs aimed at restoring our bogs, forests, and coastlines.

    • Fight climate change and inequality - invest in a rapid, just, and democratic transition to 100% publicly-owned green energy and a zero-carbon economy by 2030.

    • Set up workplace committees to develop plans to reduce materials, waste and energy use.

    • No carbon tax on workers. Tax the big polluting industries.

    • Stem the long-term social and economic decline of neglected rural communities, and the decline of Irish in Gaeltacht areas, through an ecosocialist green rural jobs programme focusing on areas such as bog rewetting, afforestation and home retrofitting.

    • Warm homes for all - introduce maximum price controls on energy and implement a public retrofitting programme of all homes and public buildings towards a zero carbon standard.

    • Reduce energy use - Free, green and frequent public transport, accessible to all communities with quality pay and conditions for workers; ban SUVs in city centres; ban the construction of more data centres. Introduce a tax on aviation fuel; ban private jets.

    • Reduce waste - Take the bin service back into council ownership with free waste, recycling, and composting services. Ban non-recycled plastics; increase mandatory extended warranties on all electronic products; ban advertisement in all public spaces and introduce restrictions on advertisement on tv, social media, and by post.

    • Less work, more leisure - 4 day or 30hr work week without loss in pay, increased annual leave and two years’ paid leave for parents.

    • Keep fossil fuels in the ground! No new licenses for exploration and drilling. Re-nationalise existing reserves. Expropriate the wealth of the big oil companies to invest in renewable technologies.

    • Quality, free, accessible public services, democratically run by workers, service users and local communities. Reverse privatisation and outsourcing.

    • For a free Irish National Health Service - abolish healthcare for profit and incorporate it into the public system. Invest in improved pay and conditions for health workers to help end waiting lists. Massively expand mental healthcare.

    • Free and accessible education for all - abolish the leaving cert, abolish fees and ‘voluntary contributions’, nationalise private schools, colleges and school book publishers and take the education system out of Church control. Stop excluding students with disabilities, learning difficulties or ASD from our education system. Ensure that Traveller and migrant children receive adequate supports.

    • A National Childcare Service to provide free childcare for all based on parents’ needs and preferences.

    • High speed internet free of charge to all communities.

    • Expand the commons - Increase pedestrianisation; invest in public parks, community gardens, pitches and libraries accessible to all including necessary amenities like tables, benches, bins, toilets; expand footpaths and rollout a cycling network; invest in public bicycle, e-bicycle, cargo-bike, e-scooters and car-sharing; introduce public tool sharing in all local councils.

    • Legalise all drugs; invest in drug rehabilitation centres and safe injection sites.

    • Decommodify housing: for quality housing as a human right and universal benefit, not a source of profit.

    • Build a diverse and powerful movement of all those affected by the housing crisis, including private renters, the ‘locked out generation’ stuck living at home with their parents, council tenants, HAP tenants, migrants and homeless people.

    • Ban economic evictions and introduce real rent controls - base rents on incomes, not landlords’ greed for profits. No one should have to pay more than 20% of their income on rent.

    • Build 100,000 public homes in three years, including Traveller-appropriate and student accommodation, and nationalise all suitable vacant properties for public housing. Take the major construction companies, land banks, corporate landlords and vulture funds into democratic public ownership.

    • Separate Church and State - end Church control of hospitals and schools. Ensure full compensation for abuse victims by seizing the assets of religious orders.

    • Progressive, consent-based, LGBTQ+-inclusive sex and relationships education at all levels. Full rights for the trans community, North and South, including accessible trans healthcare. Free provision of PREP and PEP through the health service.

    • Full abortion rights, including free abortion on request, and free contraception, North and South.

    • Tackle gender based-violence: invest in domestic violence shelters, paid domestic violence leave, sexual assault treatment units, counselling for survivors and rehabilitation for offenders.

    • End Direct Provision and unjust immigration controls - no to inhumane and discriminatory treatment of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. A socialist world would have no borders.

    • End discrimination against the Irish language - Support the expansion of Irish language medium education at pre-school, primary and secondary level North and South. Full support to the An Dream Dearg movement for Irish language protections.

    • Zero tolerance of anti-Traveller racism - end state racism against the Traveller community, North and South, in housing, employment and education. Abolish laws which criminalise Traveller culture and nomadism and deny Traveller ethnicity.

    • For trade union campaigns to oppose racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and the far right, which divide the working class and benefit capital.

    • For a guaranteed right to quality employment and safe working conditions; mandatory sick pay.

    • €15/hour minimum wage, without exemptions.

    • Repeal all anti-trade union laws, including ​​the 1990 Industrial Relations Act in the South and restrictive anti-union legislation in the North, and replace with a Charter of Workers’ Rights which includes mandatory union recognition, the right of voting ballots to be an internal consideration of trade unions, the right to act in solidarity with picket lines and workplace occupations, and to engage in political and sympathy strikes.

    • Reduction of the weekly working hours. A 4-day or 30 hour work week with no loss of pay, increased annual leave and mandatory sick pay.

    • Support and build alternatives within the trade union structure and leadership which rejects social partnership and stands for an active rank and file base to create democratic and fighting trade unions, North and South.

    • Close the gender pay gap - raise pay in traditionally female jobs like care-work and part-time work. Zero tolerance for workplace sexism, harassment and discrimination. Two years of non-transferable paid leave for parents.

    • End precarious work - for secure, permanent, full- or part-time contracts for all who want them. Outlaw unpaid and low-paid internships and ‘work experience’ schemes. Increase unemployment payments to €350/week. Stop harassing the unemployed.

    • Repudiate the bankers’ debt.

    • Abolish regressive taxation on workers: no to carbon tax on working people, broadcasting tax, water charges and the property tax!

    • Break with Ireland’s corporate tax haven model of development - abolish corporate tax breaks, at least double the corporation tax rate on big business, introduce a financial transactions tax, a millionaires’ tax and higher income tax for those earning over €100,000. Abolish the USC and replace with a High Income Social Charge on incomes over €100,000.

    • Nationalise the banking system and the core sectors of the economy currently controlled by major corporations and run them as part of a democratically planned economy to serve people's needs not profit.

    • We need a party of the working class, drawing together left, environmental, anti-austerity and community activists, trade unionists, and fighters against oppression, to take on the power of big business and the capitalist class and fight for socialism.

    • Full democratic rights for all networks and tendencies to make the case for their ideas, and strive to create a party free from sexist, racist, ableist, anti-LGBTQ attitudes or behaviours.

    • No to coalition with establishment and pro-capitalist parties! For a left government to fight the power of the capitalist class and implement ecosocialist policies, based on movements on the streets and in the workplaces.

    • For a secular socialist constitution that enshrines human rights and abolishes the “rights” of capitalist private property.

    • Full voting rights for 16-year-olds and immigrants.

    • For democratic workers’ control of workplaces and the broader economy and participatory economic and political decision-making by popular assemblies and elected Councils of workers and communities. Under capitalism, “democracy” ends at the ballot box with the right to vote for interchangeable politicians every five years while the workplace remains a daily dictatorship. Democratic socialism would massively expand both economic as well as political democracy.

    • For workersʼ unity between Protestants and Catholics against sectarianism and capitalist exploitation, and a united struggle for socialist change as the basis for a just and lasting peace. For a new, secular and socialist Ireland, which protects the rights of the Protestant minority and other minorities within that state, as part of a democratic socialist Europe and world.

    • Solidarity with the struggles of workers and the oppressed internationally.

    • Oppose all imperialist interventions - End US military use of Shannon Airport and withdraw all occupying troops.

    • No more Fortress Europe: End the EU’s racist and deadly immigration policies.

    • Oppose EU militarisation and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO).

    • Solidarity with Palestine - Expel the Israeli Ambassador, pass the Occupied Territories Bill

    • Ditch the EU fiscal rules, Maastricht criteria and neoliberal directives

    • No to the bosses’ EU - For left governments and revolutionary movements across Europe to create a fundamentally different, democratic, and ecosocialist Europe.

    • Democratise the internet, democratise the global economy: bring the major internet companies and all the major multinationals under international democratic control!

    • For a Global Green New Deal as part of an international struggle for ecosocialist change, not climate change.

    • For a mass revolutionary international to build global solidarity, share experiences, and coordinate our struggle against global capital.